MADSA Delegates Prep for DSA Convention

MADSA’s elected convention delegates and alternates celebrated the finish of an intense 4-hour “virtual” conference on national priorities for DSA, which they participated in on July 15 through a computer hookup in the back room of the (member-owned) Joystick Gamebar. With convention delegates from other DSA groups across the U.S., they debated online resolutions submitted by local groups on single-payer healthcare campaigns, electoral work, and labor organizing, designed to set priorities for DSA’s deployment of its national resources during the next two years. The national Resolutions Committee will send the versions that received the most support to the convention for a final vote. Left to right: Maxwell Ruppersburg, Jeb Boone, Michael Lavender (seated), Barbara Joye, Reid Jenkins, Erin Parks, Matthew Wolfsen, Tom Ladendorf, Adam Cardo, Brad Lathem, Anat Fintzi, Scott Douglas (standing). Not shown: Chadwick Floyd, Daniel Hanley. Also delegates: Eric Robertson, Ron Spears. Photo: Daniel Hanley

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